Thursday, June 14, 2012

Children's Museum

Doing a little shopping.
Today was another fun day with our friends.  We are going to be so sad to see them head home.  We visited the Children's Museum in Cleveland today.  I took a wrong turn heading there and turned around just before Rainbow's front entrance.  I said to myself, but out loud, that's where your stomach got fixed.  To which Seamus pulled up his shirt and told me his tummy was okay.  Never realized we have never mentioned the surgery to him and that he doesn't even realize he has a scar on his tummy.  We finally made it to the museum, after Seamus told me where to go looking through his "binoculars."  
Andy the Sheriff working the register.

Dressed up in his policeman outfit.
 This photo was from yesterday.  Seamus REALLY wanted his bike out of the garage. So I got it out and started pushing him around and showing him how to peddle.  After one trip down the driveway, he told me "Mom! I just want to sit on it, not go!"


  1. He really looks like he could just take off on that bike.....cute!! xoxox

  2. I want to go shopping at the children's museum. It looks like he had a blast!
