Sunday, February 17, 2013

A boy and his dog

I am able to get a shot like this almost daily.  The boy loves his dog and his dog loves pretending to be annoyed with his little kid.


Before arriving to Eli's birthday party, we made a "quick" stop to Cabella's.  Seamus was not very impressed with the aquarium but was so excited to see the fish in the little brooke that goes through the store.  His favorite part was going in all of the tents they had set up.

Look out for that Muskox!!!

Sweatin to Jillian

Seamus decided he needed to workout with Katie and I.  He participated in the Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred.....and picked level 3 for Katie and I.  What a sweetheart! He did a really good job jumping and stretching.  He worked out so hard he needed to take his shirt off and was "stinky sweaty"!  He was very proud of himself and wanted a photo with his dog afterward....although TJ moved just as I took the photo.  He must have been embarrassed by his lack of exercising.

Best Buds Bowling

 These two are going to be friends forever.  Carson is a great pal to be around.  In this photo, he is helping Seamus carry his bowling ball to the line and giving him pointers on how to roll it faster.....but at no point did they think to throw it like everyone else was doing! lol