Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our Little Tree

We moved the Christmas tree to the front yard last week.  Yesterday, was a beautiful day to fix the dirt and mulch around the tree.  Seamus worked very hard with Brad to get the tree looking just perfect!

Top Chef

Seamus has been very helpful in the kitchen lately.  He loves wearing Brad's favorite apron and is very skilled in cracking eggs.  He also successfully flipped three pancakes! Hopefully his new enthusiasm for cooking will spark a new enthusiasm for eating!  I won't hold my breathe on that one.
He was just wanting to cook, not get his photo taken!

Cracking open 8 eggs for our egg and sausage casserole.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Taste of What Sis Goes Through...

Today we had a VERY small taste of what the Morris household is like during flu season.....all but one of us was sick with the flu!  Luckily, Seamus only had a ten hour bug of some sort.  He threw up twice, which was sad and humorous as he has never really puked since his surgery so he didn't exactly know what was going on!  After a five hour nap, he was back in action.  Brad....not so much!
He doesn't look too sick but it was a pretty rough morning.