Friday, November 30, 2012

New topic about Grandpa

Showing off his new hair cut.
Dad has had the fun task of taking Seamus to get a haircut. The new routine seems to be, about the time Grandpa's hair needs cut, so does Moose's.  They went for haircuts on Tuesday.  This morning (Friday) on the way to the babysitter's, Seamus told me that Grandpa had a mustache cut.  And Grandpa has a beard.  And Grandpa sits in the barber shop chair that is big.  Our ride is about three-five minutes long and he was able to talk about Grandpa's barber shop experience the entire time.  He made sure that I knew Grandpa had a beard and that a beard is hair on your face.  He told me all of this as if he just noticed Grandpa's beard! Pretty good story to listen to on the way to MaryLou's.

The Morris cousins

Morris/Bly Railroad

Seamus was actually happy to be with his cousins, he was just not very happy with his mother taking yet another photo of him!  At least the girls look cute.

I just love the look on Brad's face because I know Leila's is probably just as fun!

Bath time

Rachel and Seamus taking a bath together.  Somehow I see this as a blackmail  photo in the future.