Thursday, September 20, 2012

Staying Amused

So, while we are potty training we have been spending A LOT of time in Seamus's room.  We have to think of things to keep him on the potty long enough to make progress.  Tonight, we found new options on our computer.....the chipmunk setting on our camera!

Bug eyes with Kailee!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Seamus must have really been feeling it when U2 came on the radio.  Normally, his dancing is jumping around and running as fast as he's was a little different.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I'm not sure why  my photos are always in different order than I would like is his first day of pre-school (in reverse order)  I am going to try to get some of the video mom took dropping him off.  Such a good grandma trying to capture everything that his mom had to miss out on.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!!
Seamus and his TJ Buddy.  I will have to take a photo like this every year now.  TJ already is looking like an old man.

Ready to go at MaryLou's! 

getting ready...such a big kid!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Out of nowhere, we got an awesome downpour while we were at Shaffer's.  The boys were having a blast running around in it.  Here is a short clip.

Getting ready to show

Another day at the Geauga County Fair and it was a hitching day.  Laurie put the kids to work shining up the cart.  Seamus was determined to get Kyle's number card as clean as possible! It was around 90 degrees yesterday so we didn't stick around very long.  Seamus was sure to say bye to all of the horses and told Ferrari that we would come see her at her house.  I think he is pretty much smitten with her.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ferrari at the Fair

This is Ferrari.  She is 5 months old and Seamus is in love with her.

We only went to the fair for a few hours yesterday, but Seamus packed in a lot of fun.  He was excited to take pizza from the train restaurant out to our friends who had been showing all day.  He even ate half of a piece! While the adults were busy cleaning up from show day, Seamus enjoyed time playing with the show crop.  He was such a good boy listening to directions for putting tack away that he earned some French waffles.....his new favorite fair food!