Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hard Day's Work

Yesterday, we tracked down Brad at the mall.  Seamus was super excited just to see Dad's truck and then we took a step further....
Counting the bottles to see what they need to put in.

Blue PowerAde, one of Moose's favorites. 

Checking to see why the change machine was jammed.

All fixed, putting it back together.

Handing Dad pop.  They were "hebby".

Big Tractor!

Seamus got to ride Uncle Fattty's new Farmall.  It is HUGE! I'm not sure what is so fancy or special about it but Jason drove all the way to South Dakota to pick it up and had been looking for four years for this particular tractor.  It is a pretty cool tractor and all of the kids enjoyed taking rides on it.

Sneaky, sneaky

Seamus has really gone off of the veggie wagon, so I have been getting a little creative to get him to eat some.  These were apple pancakes, which were a hit due to the green sprinkles on top.  Later he asked for pancakes for dinner, so I added carrots and cinnamon.  He didn't care one bit!! Now to figure out how to hide brussell sprouts in stuff!
He really did like them, he was just making a big smile without showing the food in his mouth!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Indian's Game

We were given some free tickets to last night's game so we decided it would be a good time to take Moose to his first one.  He was very impressed with the peanuts and lemonade.  He also enjoyed pointing out all of the Wahoo's and Indians' logos that he saw.  The game was not very interesting to him because the seats were so good he really couldn't see the game.  Once we went to a higher level and looked down on the field he was a little more into it! Guess we will be sticking to watching them on TV for a little longer.


Seamus always enjoys helping me clean.  Yesterday, he told me he was going to clean the brown floor....the biggest floor in the house.  He doesn't use the most efficient methods to clean the floor but he is diligent and constantly reminds me and TJ that it is "SA-WIP-PERY!!!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

That's Moose for you

It is a rare day when Seamus asks to have his picture taken but today he thought he was being very funny.  Every time he asked for me to take his picture he was act super goofy.  These are the best shots of the day.

Folding socks

Seamus was adamant about folding his own socks today as we did laundry.  It took him roughly 5 minutes to "fold" one pair.  He was in deep concentration and then announced with a very loud "TA DA!!" that the pair was finally folded.  He had shoved one sock inside of the other.  Good enough for me!

Friday Night Lights Race

This was from Friday at the Mentor High School XC 5k that I participated in.  At most races they have a kids one mile run, but not at this one because the kids can run all over the football field if they want.  Seamus and Carson were loving running free.  Here is a clip of the boys running fast and then wiping out.

Look at me!!

This is how Seamus thought it would be fun to play in his water table yesterday.  He was belly laughing so hard he was barely able to yell, "Look at me!!"

Monday, July 23, 2012

Geneva on the Lake

Saturday we went to Geneva on the Lake with Seamus's cousins.  He got to enjoy his first game of putt putt, a GIANT kiddie cone (that clearly explained why Americans are obese) and his first game of air hockey.
A green ball, the lady at the counter really made his day!

World's biggest kiddie cone, but it was only $1.

The cousins being silly.  Hard to believe Lucie is almost 2 years older and the same size as Moose.

He beat me by one point.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We have found another splash park!!!

Seamus making his way to the BIG spray area!

Seamus and I found a new splash park today.  It is in Middlefield of all places and is awesome!  There are tow different splash pads with a picnic area between them.  There are also 3 different play grounds. We will surely be visiting this one again as our trip was cut short by rain.  We finished out our day watching it downpour on our flowers.  Seamus was convinced that he saw our corn grow taller.  A few more days and we will have some fresh from the stalk corn to eat.

Picture of our corn outside the window.  Seamus took this picture.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Undies and Swimming

Today started with Seamus wanting to run fast upstairs, one of his favorite pastimes.  He informed me he needed undies on to go really fast.  I gladly agreed to this because it meant he wanted to wear undies!! Plus, I love his little tushy in them. lol
Then it was time to head over to Babcock's for some swim time with Juliette.  Seamus insisted on putting on his backpack and shoes to leave.  No shorts or shirt.  Gotta love a boy that is confident with his style choices.

Once we got in the car, the outfit got even better with the addition of some shades and water wings!

We had a great time swimming.  Seamus is now tall enough to touch bottom in their pool and did running jumps into the water.  He went under twice (not really by choice) but just did a few nose blows and coughs and kept on going!  He loves the water!

Snack time with Juliette.

Followed up with a little play time with the trains.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ready for Preschool

Yesterday, Grandma surprised Seamus with a Thomas backpack for school.  He LOVES it!  We are almost ready for school now!
"Mom, look at blue Thomas on the back!!"

Put it on all by himself and then told me he could also carry it with his hand.

Brushing his teeth with the backpack.
I feel like the rest of our summer could be photos of all of the adventures of the backpack.  We went to the doctor's office to drop off paperwork and Seamus all of a sudden realized we left the backpack at home.  I see some pretty humorous pictures in our future!

Monday, July 16, 2012

For Mom

This entry is for Mom.  Here is her dream picture (almost).  We are sitting at the table for dinner.  With Seamus.....eating!  LOL  She did state that it would be her dream picture if he had a green vegetable on his plate. Thanks for joining us for dinner Grandma and Grandpa!

Potty training.....the headache begins.

We started potty training the other day.  It is not the best part of being a parent, that is for sure.  Seamus is a very stubborn boy that is convinced "nuffin comes out" even though he has repeatedly peed down his legs and all over the house.  We are continuing on though and keeping him drinking lots so that he pees a little more often.  This was taken on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa's.  He loves "Coca-Cola" water the best. (And he does have a seat belt on.  Now that I look at this photo, I think he tucked it under his arm!)


A few weeks ago, Carson sat in the tree swing....luckily his feet don't leave the ground because the rope broke from the branch and he fell a few inches to the ground.  It was a very funny thing to watch only because no one got hurt and it was in slow motion.  The swing had been sitting in the flower bed since then as we keep meaning to get new rope to rehang it.  Seamus pulled it out the other night and came walking around the corner strapped into the swing.  It was hilarious!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Another day at the beach

We went to the beach today and had the entire thing to ourselves.....except for two very stinky fish!  The boys had a lot of fun.  We remembered to bring floaties and a life jackets this time so Seamus went in to his armpits.  He loved floated with the waves and didn't care when the waves splashed right into his face.  Carson tried to teach him how to float on his back, but seeing as Carson couldn't really do it the lesson didn't go very far.  
Always on a mission.

Carson was building a "fire" and Seamus was trying to pull the rest of the tree down.

Slushie break!
The happy beach time ended with Seamus getting so grossed out over the smell of the dead fish that he gagged a puked a little.  Oh, the joys of being his mother. 

As soon as we got past the dead fish though, he was back to his usual self and ready for some time on the playground!

Something fun for the kids.

My sister-in-law just told me about this.  Sounds fun and easy!
For camping or late nights at the beach? Leave 1/4 of Mountain dew in bottle (just dont drink it all), add a tiny bit of baking soda and 3 caps of peroxide. Put the lid on and shake - walla! Homemade glow stick (bottle) solution.

I'm thinking you could divide the bottle of mountain dew into three water bottles, leaving the last 1/4 of pop in the original bottle.  Allowing you to make 4 glowing bottles and not having to actually drink any of the gross pop!

So into playing.....

Seamus's imagination has really taken off in the last few weeks.  Here, he was so into playing with his trains that he didn't even notice he had wiggled out of his pants!  He stood up about ten minutes after I took this photo and looked at me in astonishment.  Then said "What on EarF?" lol  

Play time at the lake

This was actually from Sunday but I am just getting around to uploading the photos.  We went to Jason's house to do some fishing. Bob and Holly were there with a little boat her dad had given her.  The boys (they have a 1 year old) liked tooling around the lake and the dads enjoyed catching a few fish.  
Seamus's first ride in the boat with Captain Holly's first time at the helm (?)

Seamus and Spike.  Seamus was telling Spike not to fall in while he got a drink.

My view while we relaxed at the lake.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Freedom Fest

My boys.
Yesterday was our annual Freedom Fest Fourth of July party.  It was a cool and relaxing 102 degrees when we arrived but it finally cooled down a bit around 8......to 85. lol  Seamus had a blast running around our friend's property.  He didn't like the slip and slide so much because he couldn't make it to the end.  But he still found fun things to do, like chasing his uncles around, jumping off of a cooler and taking pictures for us. 
Chasing Uncle Nicky.

Jumping from the cooler.

Checking out the pictures he had taken.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day at the Beach

Carson's sisters were packing for their week away at camp, which made him feel a little left out.  To lift his spirits a little (and to beat the heat) Seamus and I picked up him, and ONLY him, to go to the beach!  He was so excited and totally bragging to his sisters! lol
Two bucket heads going to the beach.  They were belly laughing all the way there.  

This kid LOVES the lake!

Our beach.  Yep, that is one other person on the entire stretch!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mardi Gras Parade

Seamus attended his first Mardi Gras Parade tonight.  As we drove there, I thought to myself I remembered it feeling like we were in the car forever to get to the parade or fireworks.  We were in there with a parking spot and fantastic seats for the parade in under 20 minutes! It was awesome!!  Here are a few videos that show his excitement for everything going on.  He stood for the American flag passing in front of us and clapped for the color guard.  He LOVED the Shriners in the tiny orange Corvettes.  And danced to every marching band that passed.  At one point he yelled to one of the prom queens, "You're beautiful!" What a fantastic night!