Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

We waited for the Memorial Day Parade to start for about 20 minutes.  Nice relaxing time watching people set up chairs and traffic passing.  The parade started.......and was done in about 10 minutes! LOL Seamus loved the marching band and the GIANT flag.  When he saw the big flag and he couldn't get MaryLou's attention fast enough.  He has learned quickly that she loves the American flag just as much as he does.  
Waiting for our friends and the parade.

Hunter and Seamus, two peas in a pod.

Backyard fun.  I love his face in this picture.

The photo he requested I take.  *sigh*

Friends Over For The Night

We got to babysit Carson and Brenna Shaffer Saturday night....we are fairly certain they had fun.
What is Brad spraying?

The enemies of course!

Not wanting to wait for the hot dogs to be roasted over the fire, Seamus dug into a hot dog bun.

Brenna cooking hot dogs over the fire for the first time!  And Carson filling his face as usual.

Carson's mouth was so full of cheese he couldn't even say "Cheese!"

A Day with Thomas the Tank Engine

Grandma and Grandpa spoiled us with a train ride on exchange for some lunch at The bspot!  Seamus was very adamant about not going when we told him about it that morning.  But once we told him Grandma and Grandpa were already there waiting for us he got a little more okay with the outing.  Then we crossed the train tracks and he saw Thomas.  Needless to say, our boy does not like to show his excitement for new things.  He likes to take things in at his own pace.  He didn't seem like he was having fun at first but he told us all about the adventure as soon as we left the train station.  I hope this is a sign that we never have to worry about his behavior when he goes on field trips!

Sara is home!!

Sara is visiting from Greece, so last Thursday I got to play hookie from work and spend the day with a few good friends.  Sara and her parents, my parents, and Lindsay and Sammy got together at Signore's.  The last time Sara saw Seamus, he was about 6 months old!  Way too long!  And of course....I didn't get any pictures with Sara!
Having an early morning juice break getting ready for a day of swimming.

Hanging out at the Signore's pool!

Ending a long day with some good old time in the dirt.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby Rachel

Yesterday we got to visit with Uncle Eric, Aunt Jaime and Rachel.  I'm not sure that Seamus even noticed his aunt or uncle with Rachel there.....and her toys!  I think Rachel was pretty impressed with the speed at which Seamus flies about the room.  She did a very good job keeping an eye on him.
Pardon my finger in the frame! lol
Today, we enjoyed the sunshine and finally moved the slide to the backyard.  Seamus sat at the top for a long time just talking to me and TJ.  I think he thinks it is his new lawn chair. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Time for some new pictures!

It has been quit some time since I have updated this so here are a few activities that Moose has been up to the last few weeks.  Nothing real exciting....I really wish I had a picture of a Potty Chart filled with stickers, but no such luck yet.  LOL
Seamus learning to play Uncle Dan's favorite game, Chutes and Ladders.

Our boys, looking good for the camera.

Helping me make Jello.  He did a great job helping Dad eat Jello later on!

This is the slide we got for $5!!