Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The River is Being Loud

Yesterday, we stopped at Paine Falls.  Seamus thought the river was being loud......but not the waterfall.  He did all of the steps on his own, which is quite a workout for such little legs.  There were 37 steps in the second set and he tried to count all of them with me.  He got to 18 on his own and then needed some help.
 Mom, this second picture is for you.  There isn't a dinner time that passes that I don't think that there is no way he gets enough nutrients.  But then we have out snack time later in the evening.  Tonight, he had a bottle of water, an apple and a few almonds.  The kid does eat healthy, he just doesn't like dinner.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rolling and Kicking

Yesterday it was 80 degrees.  Today it is 50.  Got to love Ohio in the spring!  These are from yesterday.  We played in the yard for a long time before going to see if the library was still open.  It wasn't, so we ended up going to watch some little league baseball at the park.  Seamus and I ran on the path (and I actually had to keep up with him, he is getting some nice form while running) Then we got to play on the empty ball diamond.  Do we have a pitcher in our future??

Seamus has been finding it super funny to put grass on TJ.  TJ doesn't find it to be as funny..

Rolling in the grass.

Kicking dirt at the mound.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A lot of friends

My friend, Kate, came over with her 18 month old son, Christian. He was amazed with all of Seamus's toys, especially the tunnel they could crawl through. Here they are having fun NOT taking turns, which they thought was hilarious.
Later in the day, we went to Uncle Fattty and Aunt Stacey's. All of the big boys were working on taking down trees in the overflow with the mini-excavator. The little boys were very busy kicking dirt, throwing rocks and peeing on tree trunks. Seamus didn't join in the peeing, but the other boys were all about letting him know how to do it.
Seamus and his friends, Chance and Cooper, helped Brad clean the drain in the lake.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lunch with Grandma

A little more Grandma time today. Seamus got to ride in Grandma's new car that has a window on the ceiling!! (No pictures of that because I got to DRIVE Grandma's new car today!)
Grandma stealing some kisses at lunch.

Proudly showing me his chocolate milk. He would live on milk if we let him.

Down the hatch!!

A Quiet Day

Today we went to Grandma and Grandpa's in the morning. Seamus bounced and bounced with Grandpa in the basement then came up to watch some Thomas. I'm sure Grandpa has come to appreciate Thomas and his friends just as much as we have! Grandpa got a little break when the cars came out. Grandma got to play her favorite game of seeing if any cars can beat the Corvette down the ramp.
After nap time, Seamus woke up to me working on my class assignment. He immediately wanted to use the glue stick also so I asked him what shapes he wanted to glue down. He made this masterpiece all on his own after I handed over some shapes. He is getting pretty good with a glue stick......but is always asking to do the scissors himself. Sigh.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Small Friend

This morning our friends, Sunny and Juliette, called to see if we wanted to go to a playground. Seamus wanted to take them to his favorite playground by the water (Helen Hazen Wyman Park). We all played on the slides for some time and then he wanted to show Juliette the river and throw rocks into it. I think that was Juliette's favorite part, for such a beautiful little girl she sure does have some tomboy in her!
When Brad got home from work, Seamus told him that Juliette came to play with him today and that she was his "small friend". Well, as you can see from the photo he is a bit taller than her and they are only 2 months apart in age!
Wiped out from a good day of playing in the sunshine!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kicking off Spring Break

Seamus started out Spring Break with some major bumming. We had to go to the dog warden for new tags for TJ first. The lady gave Seamus a treat to give to TJ, which he carried around the rest of the morning....into every other business we went to. Next up, the post office where the postlady was very understanding of the dog biscuit as she has a 3 1/2 year old son at home. LOL We then hit up Giant Eagle and Lowes. Seamus was so good for all of the errands that we had to find a playground and enjoy the sunshine for a bit. St. Gabe's has a wonderful playground, although I think Helen Hazen Wyman is still his favorite.
While we waited for Nana and Papa to come over for dinner, Seamus and I made an Easter Bunny craft. He is getting pretty good with a glue stick and following instructions.
After dinner, we got to decorate eggs. Papa was pretty sure he hadn't colored eggs since Brad was in middle school. Nana was feeling old because she had to put her glasses on every time she wanted to draw on her egg. But they still had a good time!

Monday, April 2, 2012


I haven't gotten as strict as Mom with the nightly green veggies and glass of milk, but Brad and I are very happy that we now have dinners at a table rather than on the couch. It was nice when it was just us and when Seamus was in the highchair, but the time has come to teach table manners. Luckily, he had already swallowed his food when he "smiled" for this photo.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nothing will come out.

Seamus came to me on Friday night and said, "I want to sit on my potty, Mom." Of course he wanted to sit on it in the living room, which I was fine with because he was actually showing interest in using it. We brought the potty upstairs and he sat on it for 30 MINUTES! At that point he got a little upset because "nothing will come out." When he told me that I asked if he had peed in his pull-up right before he sat on the potty, he very proudly replied with a jump in the air and a "YEAH!!" We are getting closer though!

Sitting on the potty with the soft glow of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on his face. lol