Saturday, December 29, 2012

More time outside helping dad

We got more snow last night so Seamus was first in line to help Brad plow the driveway this morning!

Do they have a Dad?

Seamus and I headed up to Michigan for the day on Thursday.  What a fun little chatterbox to have in the back seat.  He started out being a little cross with the navigation guy saying "Ohio blah blah blah".  "No, we are going to MICHIGAN!!!"  I wish I could spell Michigan how he pronounces it, I think it is something close to Mistgagan. When we got on the turnpike, we gave Aunt Sis a call.  The line of the day came shortly after I hung up the phone.  Seamus asked who I was talking to so I said Aunt Sis.  He ask if I was talking to Madison, Leila and Eli also.  Then the next question..."Do they have a dad?" LOL Poor Dan! (He does know you and love you Dan, he must think you are just the official driver or cook or something!!)
Too slow with the camera, but this was shortly after Seamus chose Aunt Sis's hand over his own mother's!!   BEST DAY OF AMANDA'S LIFE!!!

Actual conversation, "Eli, What was your Christmas?"  (meaning "how")

Loving his new Scooby-Doo shirt from the Morris Children's Clothing Shop

Silly faces with Madison Kate!

Silly faces with Leila Grace!

Two meatheads, reunited.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Belly Laugh

Seamus was laughing so hard because he was throwing snow at TJ and TJ was jumping in the air trying to catch it.  They really love each other.


Hope you can actually see this.  It was his first time going down a "hill" by himself.  I didn't capture it, but TJ ran to him when he stopped and licked his face.  Seamus is so tolerant of his dumb dog, he just turned and told him thanks.  I would have knocked his block off.  LOL


We finally started getting snow around 11 am, even thought the news channels made it sound like we were going to wake up to a winter wonderland.  Seamus wasn't very interested in it until Brad got home to go play with him.  They ended up staying outside for almost an hour and a half!!  (I lasted about 20 minutes) 

He doesn't look thrilled to be going out but he was being very patient at this point. 

The camera flash really makes it look like we were near zero visibility! in the next post.  World of difference without the flash also.

Loving his sled, he obviously didn't remember riding it in the driveway last year.

Shoveling a path....and throwing the snow on his dog.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Homemade" Cookies

Seamus wanted to make cookies for his friends at MaryLou's.  He did a great job putting them in neat lines and an even better job sharing them the next day with his friends.  He was so excited that everyone got a cookie AND they told him thank you!

Just look at those fancy homemade cookies!!

Christmas Tree hunting

After school on Tuesday, we got to help Grandpa get Grandma's Christmas tree.  For whatever reason, Seamus only refers to it as Grandma's tree.  Dad doesn't own much in the house if you are to ask Moose!  We hiked to the back forty at Uncle Eddie's and found the perfect tree.  When Dad went to start cutting it down, Seamus yelled to him that "those Christmas trees are VERY prickly Grandpa!!!"  Guess he learned his lesson while decorating ours.
Giving Grandpa the trimmers because Uncle Eddie slacked a little this year on shaping the trees. ;-)

Getting ready to carry it to the car. 

Christmas Party at Preschool

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Today was Seamus's Christmas program at preschool.  Nothing like a 20 minute session of 3 to 5 year olds singing about baby Jesus.  Seamus did the hand motions for two of the songs but no singing!  He is a not a fan of the performing arts (as you can tell from the first photo) .After the singing program, he and I went to his classroom for some fun holiday activities.

Playing "Pin the Nose of the Reindeer".  And that is Mrs. Johnson, the saint that teaches  twelve 3 year olds  twice every day!

Creating his waffle cone christmas tree.

All done!

How could you not love him???

I am in love with this picture!! He is such a butthead when I ask to take his picture anymore that this is the face I get, but it is still a pretty cute face!

Friday, November 30, 2012

New topic about Grandpa

Showing off his new hair cut.
Dad has had the fun task of taking Seamus to get a haircut. The new routine seems to be, about the time Grandpa's hair needs cut, so does Moose's.  They went for haircuts on Tuesday.  This morning (Friday) on the way to the babysitter's, Seamus told me that Grandpa had a mustache cut.  And Grandpa has a beard.  And Grandpa sits in the barber shop chair that is big.  Our ride is about three-five minutes long and he was able to talk about Grandpa's barber shop experience the entire time.  He made sure that I knew Grandpa had a beard and that a beard is hair on your face.  He told me all of this as if he just noticed Grandpa's beard! Pretty good story to listen to on the way to MaryLou's.

The Morris cousins

Morris/Bly Railroad

Seamus was actually happy to be with his cousins, he was just not very happy with his mother taking yet another photo of him!  At least the girls look cute.

I just love the look on Brad's face because I know Leila's is probably just as fun!

Bath time

Rachel and Seamus taking a bath together.  Somehow I see this as a blackmail  photo in the future.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tropical Storm Day in NE Ohio

Didn't think I would ever say this, but Seamus and I are home today because we both got a day off of school due to a Tropical OHIO!  Seamus is still in for a treat when we get an actual snow day and we can go outside to play.  We have had power all day and no damage to our property, which is way more than mom and dad can say.  Do have to admit, I'm getting a little stir crazy.  The unexpected day off is only exciting for about three hours. LOL
Seamus putting a Thomas puzzle together on the iPad. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Fun

Today was absolutely beautiful out, except for the huge gusts of wind.  We decided to go get our pumpkins and fall decorations for the house.  Mom and Dad met us up at Pumpkinville.  I'm not sure if Seamus was more excited to see them or the Corvette!  When we were done picking our our pumpkins, we headed home for some pumpkin cleaning and playing in the leaves with our favorite dog, TJ.
I can't believe he was pulling this on his own, there were a total of 7 pumpkins in there!

Imitating Grandpa.

Finding a nice seat at the pumpkin patch.

This is how we spent an hour before nap and an hour after nap.

TJ is so patient with Seamus.  Seamus thought it was so funny that TJ came and laid down in the leaves.  Then he told him to have some leaves and to enjoy them. LOL

Such a good little pumpkin washer.  Not sure if you can hear it but he is singing "Old McDonald", it was the song of the day.  Sang it from the time he got up until he fell asleep for his nap.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Erie Zoo

Today was NEOEA Day so Brad had planned ahead and also took the day off for some family fun.  The Shaffer's joined in on the fun with us!  We headed out to Erie to check out their zoo.  Our thought was it would be less crowded than Cleveland Zoo because PA kids didn't have the day off.  Boy were we was a ghost town.  We saw maybe 20 other people there and 8 of them were from Mentor (they had the same plan as we did!) After the zoo, we stopped at Krispy Creme to watch the donuts being made and to get a snack for the road.  I would have posted a picture of that but I forgot my phone in the car.  Probably a good thing, as Jaime would be licking her computer screen at that picture!
On our way, we had yet to inform them it was an hour long drive.

Hanging out at the orangutan exhibit.
This is the dad orangutan that came right to the window and played peek-a-boo for a bit with us.

Getting a little help to cross the lilly pads.
The puppy sculpture was his favorite part of the zoo.

Enjoying a friend's shoulder for a much needed nap.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Undies Boy!

Slowly but surely we are getting the whole potty training thing down.  Today we made HUGE progress because Seamus POOPED IN THE POTTY!!! We were at Shaffer's house and for some reason their house always induces a poop from him.  I convinced him to sit on the potty and he told me that it was a little scary.  But then he did the deed and was so excited.....probably helps to have Katie's three kids jumping around cheering him on!  It was a great night.
A minor accident caused this fabulous look for the ride home.


Seamus is a VERY picky eater, so when he told me he wanted pizza for dinner I was a little suspicious.  He ate two and a half pieces!! I guess I ordered it correctly from his description of "I like the kind with the lines in it".

Birthday with Grandpa

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday with some wings and homemade pizza.  Then we had a very special and delicious birthday cake.....Snickers bar with a candle!  Grandpa was very happy when we told him there was a whole bag of Snickers bars!  Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Blowing out his candle.

Doing a birthday piledriver...Seamus's new favorite game with Grandpa.  I have a feeling Rachel will be a big fan also.

Best hat ever!

We went to our friends house to watch the Brown's game last weekend and Seamus informed us that he had the best hat ever.  He proceeded to wear it for about 15 minutes. LOL

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Staying Amused

So, while we are potty training we have been spending A LOT of time in Seamus's room.  We have to think of things to keep him on the potty long enough to make progress.  Tonight, we found new options on our computer.....the chipmunk setting on our camera!

Bug eyes with Kailee!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Seamus must have really been feeling it when U2 came on the radio.  Normally, his dancing is jumping around and running as fast as he's was a little different.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I'm not sure why  my photos are always in different order than I would like is his first day of pre-school (in reverse order)  I am going to try to get some of the video mom took dropping him off.  Such a good grandma trying to capture everything that his mom had to miss out on.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!!
Seamus and his TJ Buddy.  I will have to take a photo like this every year now.  TJ already is looking like an old man.

Ready to go at MaryLou's! 

getting ready...such a big kid!!